Is Faith Worth it?

March 2, 2014
The Israelites are withholding their tithes and offerings because they doubt it's worth it. They aren't getting the return on investment that they want. But the issue isn't just tithing,…
Many in Israel question why God hasn't come in judgment, expecting judgment to come upon everyone else. God responds by saying that He's coming in judgment, but it's not going…
Not only does Malachi accuse the priests and the Israelites of worthless worship, he accuses them of being pathetic proclaimers of God's word. Instead of teaching the Word of God…

Our Worthless Worship

February 2, 2014
God accuses the priests of allowing worthless worship, offering polluted animals flowing from polluted attitudes. While we may be quick to judge, Malachi makes it clear that none of us…

Does God Love Me?

January 26, 2014
Israel, having experienced the discipline of exile at the hands of God questions whether God truly loves His people. God proves His love to Israel by reminding them of their…
The people in Israel grew tired of waiting for the Advent of the Messiah. We today often grow tired waiting for Christ's second Advent. But we have the advantage because…