Sermon Audio Archive

A running audio archive of all streamed services from Westminster PCA Church in Roanoke, VA.

James 5:13-20

June 22, 2014
We so often think of Christianity as between us and God, but we have also been made part of a community. James finishes his book by reminding us of the…

James 5:12

June 15, 2014
One simple verse, but so much said. Don't swear oaths, James says. Oaths cover up the fact that we are dishonest, don't follow through, and don't have faith in God.

James 5:1-11

June 8, 2014
James condemns those who place their confidence in money, both the rich who have it and the poor who think life's problems would be solved if they had it. Instead,…

James 4:13-17

June 1, 2014
We think we are in control, but are we? Do we really know the future? We can pridefully, foolishly think we are independent, or we can humbly and wisely submit…

James 4:1-10

May 18, 2014
James reaches the pinnacle of his warning against teachers: self-serving quests for authority and control in the church make one a self-idolizing enemy of God. The alternatives are clear: you…

James 3:13-18

May 4, 2014
Who is truly wise in Biblical wisdom? Are we truly wise in Biblical wisdom? Wisdom is revealed in its attitude and its affect on the community of Christ.

James 3:1-12

April 27, 2014
James talks about the evils of the tongue. Is there hope to be free from such filth? There is, but it's not just the hope of a change tongue but…

James 2:14-26

April 20, 2014
Easter is that annual celebration that Christ is alive, but do we really believe that? Do our loves show that we believe that or has the resurrection become empty words…

James 1:22-27

April 6, 2014
We should not just listen to the Word of God but do what it says, not because we have faith in ourselves to put it into practice, but because we…

Dealing with Failure

March 23, 2014
James' audience, in the midst of trial, has encountered failure in those trials, and as they do so, the excuses begin to flow. Perhaps God is tempting them and it's…