Sermon Audio Archive

A running audio archive of all streamed services from Westminster PCA Church in Roanoke, VA.

Based on how Paul describes his ministry in Corinth in the book of Corinthians, Paul was feeling scared and weary as he entered Corinth. Perhaps he even wanted to quit.…
Not only do we take the gospel for granted, we even take it for granted that we know the gospel in the first place! The Athenians did not know the…
Complacency is a church killer. Once we begin to grow lax on our stance for accuracy and authority, we begin the slow slide away from the Bible, thereby losing our…
Paul heads to Macedonia where he encounters and converts Lydia and the Philippian jailer. Luke, the author of this passage, emphasizes two covenant communities: the covenant family and the covenant…
Paul is faced with three decisions. Will he take Barnabas and John Mark on his second missionary journey? Will he have Timothy circumcised or will this violate his defense of…
Can Gentiles be saved without being circumcised? The Apostles say yes, but in so doing, also show that they are opposed to legalism that nullifies grace and elitism which destroys…
Paul and Barnabas prepare to return from their missionary journey, passing back through Lystra, Icononium, and Psidian Antioch where they had reaped a great harvest. Now, these two missionaries plant…
How do we know about God? In Paul and Barnabas' actions and words we come to understand that God reveals Himself through His Word, through Wonders, and in the World.