Sermon Audio Archive

A running audio archive of all streamed services from Westminster PCA Church in Roanoke, VA.

The Real Problem: Me!

December 15, 2013
Zechariah perceives he has a problem: no children in his old age. But an encounter with an angel in the temple reveals the true problem: Zechariah has lost his faith…
The end of the book of Acts, but not the end of the story. The Mission continues, even if Paul, in change, must adapt the way he fulfills his mission…
Paul finds himself on a boat in a northeaster destined for a shipwreck. Rather than despair, Paul has hope that he will be in Rome soon, and rather than keep…
Stuck in prison for over 2 years, Paul does not bemoan his present circumstances. Instead, seeing the providence and sovereignty of God in the present, Paul remains faithful to God…
Paul finds himself in prison, perhaps wondering if Rome is still in his future or will he die in Jerusalem. In this passage we see the past providence of God…
Paul defends himself against the Jewish mob at the Temple, giving great detail about his past that was embarrassing and shameful. And yet, despite the possible pain of his past,…
Paul is faced with the accusation of being against Jews and against the Laws. The Jews accuse him of being against circumcision for Jews, against the Law of Moses, and…
Paul prepares to head to Jerusalem where he is told he will face hardship, arrest, and persecution. While Paul is resolved to fulfill the Will of God, his companions and…
Paul would scoff at the idea of people claiming to love and serve God but not loving and serving people. Using his own life as an example, Paul says that…

Knowing Christ

September 1, 2013
Luke presents three people or groups of people who thought they knew Jesus Christ. Apollos, the twelve disciples of John the Baptist, and the Seven sons of Sceva. However, it…