Sermon Audio Archive

A running audio archive of all streamed services from Westminster PCA Church in Roanoke, VA.

Zechariah 8

September 7, 2014
People never follow through, but the message of God through Zechariah is the LORD always follows through, always keeps his word because of His covenant. God never changes, but because…

Zechariah 7

August 31, 2014
Representatives of Israel come to the Temple to ask the prophets and priests a seemingly sincere question-should they keep fasting? God responds by telling Israel that finds their worship very…

Zechariah 6:9-15

August 24, 2014
Rather than let Israel grow comfortable, God sends Zechariah with a reminder for Israel that this is not the end, this is not the final fulfillment of God's promises. Instead,…

Zechariah 6:1-8

August 17, 2014
Zechariah sees a vision of the world at peace, not because God's plan is yet to be accomplished as in chapter 1 but because God's plan is accomplished. Zechariah is…

Zechariah 5

August 10, 2014

Zechariah 4

August 3, 2014
Zechariah receives a vision intended to encourage Zerubbabel. Not by might or by power, but by God's spirit alone will Zerubbabel accomplish his God-given calling.

Zechariah 3

July 27, 2014
Joshua knows the certainty of his sin. It can be seen on his filthy clothes and probably smelled by all in the courtroom. By God intervenes, providing new clothes of…
In the beginning of the book, God promised restoration, but words are easy. In this passage, God promises action, showing that the restoration will be in the form of construction,…

Zechariah 1:1-6

July 13, 2014
God makes it clear to Israel that he punishes the unrepentant, but restore the repentant.

Ephesians 1:5-6

June 29, 2014
Paul reminds us that being predestined is not the cold heartless act of a disinterested deity but the loving act of a spiritually adoptive Father who was pleased to rescue…